喬治麥可-Careless Whisper(無心的呢喃)

Careless Whisper歌詞的意境是述說有個男孩子心理面喜歡一個女孩子,但是卻又沒有去承認喜歡這女孩,而女孩子在等不到答案的情況下只好跟這男孩的朋友交往,男孩的心理面充滿了不捨與懊悔,只因他朋友的耳語以及自己沒敢說出口的感情








I feel so un-sure-我不敢確定
As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor當我牽著你的手走向舞池
As the mu-sic dies, some-thing in your eyes—當音樂結束,你的眼神有異樣
Calls to mind the sil-ver screen
And all its sad good-byes對銀幕上悲傷的離別心有所感

I’m nev-er gon-na dance a-gain我再也不跳舞了
Guil-ty feet have got no rhy-thm充滿罪惡的雙腳抓不住節奏
Though it’s ea-sy to pre-tend雖然偽裝很容易
I know you’re not a fool–但我知道你不笨
Should ‘nt known bet-ter than to cheat a friend-早該知道不應欺騙朋友
And waste the chance that I’ve been giv-en浪費被賜予的大好機會
So I’ll nev-er gon-na dance a-gain因此我不再跳舞
The way I danced with you–像從前與你共舞一樣
(Never without your love)(絕不能失去你的愛)

Time can nev-er mend-時間也無法彌補
the care-less whis-pers of a good friend一位好友無心的耳語
To the heart and mind, ig-no-rance is kind-對心靈而言,無知反而是種慈悲
There’s no com-fort in the truth真相裡找不到安慰
Pain is all- you’ll find–你只能找到痛苦

I’m nev-er gon-na dance a-gain我再也不跳舞了
Guil-ty feet have got no rhy-thm充滿罪惡的雙腳抓不住節奏
Though it’s ea-sy to pre-tend雖然偽裝很容易
I know you’re not a fool–但我知道你不笨
Should ‘nt known bet-ter than to cheat a friend-早該知道不應欺騙朋友
And waste the chance that I’ve been giv-en浪費被賜予的大好機會
So I’ll nev-er gon-na dance a-gain因此我不再跳舞
The way I danced with– you—–像從前與你共舞一樣
(Nev-er with-out your love)(絕不能失去你的愛)

To–night the mu-sic seems so loud今晚的音樂似乎特別大聲
I wish that we could lo-se this crowd但願我們能避開人群
May-be it’s bet-ter this way也許這樣比較好
We’d hurt each oth-er with the things we’d want to say我們會用心裡想說的話來傷害彼此

We- could have been so good to-geth-er我們原本可以好好的在一起
We- could have lived this dance for-ev-er我們原本可以永遠共舞
But none’s gon-na dance– with- me—但再也沒有人願與我共舞
Please stay–請你留下

I’m- nev-er gon-na dance a-gain我再也不跳舞了
Guil-ty feet have got no rhy-thm充滿罪惡的雙腳抓不住節奏
Though it’s ea-sy to pre-tend雖然偽裝很容易
I know you’re not a fool—但我知道你不笨
Should ‘nt known bet-ter than to cheat a friend-早該知道不應欺騙朋友
And waste the chance that I’ve been giv-en浪費被賜予的大好機會
So I’ll nev-er gon-na dance a-gain因此我不再跳舞
The- way I danced- with you–像從前與你共舞一樣
(Never without your love)-(絕不能失去你的愛)

(Now that you’re gone)-如今你已離去
was what I did- so- wrong so wrong因為我犯了大錯
That- you had to leave me a-lone—-你不得不離我而去






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